Your membership fee to Gold Coast Archery Club Inc, is paid through Assemble Sports, you will need to create your own account in Assemble Sports.

This one-off payment automatically registers you with AA(SQAS) South Queensland Archery Society and (GCAC) Gold Coast Archery Club. It also covers you for insurance, supports the coaching qualification program and enables you to participate in Club, State and National events.

AA Membership cards can be downloaded through your individual Assemble Sports Portal.

You must not shoot at the club if you have not paid your annual Membership Fee.



  Minimum age to join or participate in archery.  10 YEARS OLD

 UNDER  18 $160
 ADULT   18 & OVER $243
 1 ADULT & 1 UNDER 18 $350
 FAMILY of 3 $450
 FAMILY of 4                 $550
 FAMILY of 5 $650
 FAMILY of 6 $750
 CLUB LIFE MEMBER             $135
 CLUB ASSOCIATE    18 & over $95
 CLUB ASSOCIATE     under 18 $60